Chernobyl Children’s Aid also active in times of war

In 1996, ten years after the reactor catastrophe, the Chernobyl-Kinderhilfe e. V. Neustadt bei Coburg began its activities. Among other things, the association organizes four-week stays for children from the contaminated areas in the region around Neustadt bei Coburg. More than 500 children have benefited from this so far. In addition, almost 50 aid campaigns have been initiated in Ukraine and 70 aid transports have been carried out by 2023.

Max Brose Hilfe supports the association’s work with 20,000 euros. Three of the currently most urgent projects are

  • Bogdana, a schoolgirl, has so far attended a facility for the hearing impaired in Kiev, a hundred kilometers from her home village. This school was closed after the Russian airstrikes on the Ukrainian capital began. Now Bogdana has to attend lessons at the village school at home. This was only possible thanks to the purchase of a hearing aid. 
  • In Ukraine, kindergartens and schools must have a shelter and will otherwise be closed. The village school in Vladivka – near Tokmak in south-central Ukraine – could only provide the children with wet and moldy shelters. Chernobyl Children’s Aid stepped in with the support of Max Brose Aid so that the school can continue to operate,
  • Denis, now twelve years old, suffered severe burn injuries when he was two years old. He still has to undergo painful operations every year. Financing is the responsibility of the parents, supported by collections. Now Denis’ father has died, making the situation almost hopeless. The operation in 2023 was paid for by Chernobyl Children’s Aid, and four more operations have been scheduled for 2024.

The association also provides various villages with aid packages several times a year. Medicine, food and hygiene products are in high demand and in some cases in absolute short supply.