South Africa: Star for Life

The Girls Club particularly empowers girls in schools near Johannesburg, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal and Windhoek.
The Daughters of Africa initiative is dedicated to the situation of girls and young women in southern Africa, who are particularly disadvantaged due to discrimination, lack of knowledge, prejudice and poverty. To combat this inequality, “Star for Life” has launched the Girls Club.
The Girls Club aims to reduce the risk of violence and sexual exploitation, strengthen girls’ and young women’s control over their sexual and reproductive health and promote their financial independence.
The Girls Club offers an open environment in which girls and young women can share their experiences. Through regular lessons, themed workshops lasting several days and mentoring, Star for Life supports the young women in defying gender norms and growing into strong and independent personalities.
The male pupils are also involved and learn to participate in building society and starting a family and to take on a responsible role.
The project sponsorship from Max Brose Hilfe e.V. includes the realisation of the Daughters of Africa Girls Club at a high school in the Johannesburg region for one school year with a one-off grant of EUR 5,000. Once a “Star for Life School” has been selected, the programme is agreed with the school headmaster. The coach then puts the workshop out to tender and organises and implements the measures at the school for a year.