Zeegenbachtal Music Association

Max Brose Hilfe supports: The Musikverein Zeegenbachtal, an association that emphasises youth work.

Although the music association celebrated its 50th birthday a few years ago, it has remained young. And this is also meant in the literal sense – around 50 young musicians currently play in one of the three groups of the music association (school wind orchestra, preliminary orchestra, symphonic wind orchestra). The children, teenagers and young adults are trained on their instruments in co-operation with the Strullendorf music school and gain experience of playing together in the association’s orchestras. In the regular orchestra and register rehearsals, they receive in-depth training in playing together. The association also supports further training courses at the Nordbayrischer Musikbund (also financially) and gives its young musicians a big stage at concerts to showcase their skills. 

The young musicians also enrich the cultural life of the community, from Christmas markets and church fairs to small stand concerts in front of retirement homes. Here, the young musicians also learn to take responsibility for social life. The association also regularly takes part in music festivals organised by friendly associations and tests the performance of the orchestras at competitions.

However, musical training is only one part of successful youth work – joint social learning is also part of youth work. The club board and the specially elected youth board organise events, festivals and excursions by, with and for young people. One of the highlights of the year is a rehearsal weekend in a youth hostel, where fun and games are not neglected alongside the musical work. The Christmas party and the summer excursion to Thurn Castle or the climbing forest are also part of the annual programme. 

And to ensure that young people continue to find meaningful leisure activities in the future, the Musikverein takes part in the Strullendorf community holiday programme.

On behalf of the young people, the organisers would like to express their sincere thanks for the generous donation from Max-Brose-Hilfe!

Monika Losgar