Würzburg: Mrija
One organisation supported by Max Brose Hilfe is “Mrija”. The association was co-founded immediately after the start of the war by our Würzburg company doctor Dr Volodymyr Isaienko and eight other initiators and provides medical support at a high level. As part of a fundraising campaign, employees in Würzburg collected a considerable amount for the association. Max Brose Hilfe initially gave 5000 euros spontaneously in order to provide help quickly. Thanks to the generous donation of our shareholders, Mrija was able to receive a further 100,000 euros for the medical care of clinics in the Ukraine. This will provide professional support for several clinics in Ukraine.

Emergency medical aid: 7 surgical lamps, 5 portable ultrasound machines, respirators and 7 pallets of important medicines were delivered to various hospitals right at the beginning of the crisis. There is good contact with clinics in Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv. Chuhujiw, Bucha and others. The personal contacts ensure that what is really needed can always be procured.

First of all, the people from Ukraine should find peace of mind, safe refuge and peace in Germany. But Mrija also focuses directly on creating good integration opportunities right from the start. More than 200 job seekers came to the Zellerau Youth Centre on Saturday 4 June for the job fair organised by the “Association for the Support of Mrija Ukraine” together with the Social Department of the City of Würzburg.

An important perspective for the people now is not only to integrate but also to create a lively identity. Culture, music and shared experiences play a big role in this. Mrija organises appropriate events together with local associations.